Performance based activity

Performance based activity

Development & Solutions Projects

Upgrade of ATC Backup center - 2020

The following are planned to be  upgraded in the ATC backup center:

  • Replace the existing air-ground communication radio stations with Park Air Systems (UK) digital transmitters;
  • Replace voice communication system TXM-4400 (France) with voice communication control system MULTIFONO® M800IP (SITTI, Italy).

MULTIFONO® M800IP® has a decentralized and open modular structure based on the latest VoIP state-of-art technology that enhances system reliability, customization capabilities and extensibility. It is equipped with interfaces which allow the system to satisfy the most common air traffic control requirements and meet the requirements of EUROCAE ED-136, ED-137, ED-138 documents.

Operation of Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) - 2020

A new, modern Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR), with the latest achievements of digital technologies, will be put into operation. It will provide airspace surveillance in all available surveillance modes and receive all the necessary information from the aircraft. The new MSSR will provide high accuracy of surveillance data, high reliability of information and will expand the coverage of airspace surveillance, which are important factors in the increase of ATM safety level.

Development Project of VHF Radio Communication - 2020

The Park Air Systems Ltd project is designed for the provision of air-ground VHF radio communication for the following sites of “ARMATS” CJSC:

     – Tower,

     – Receiving center,

     – Transmitting center,

     – “Mravyan” remote site,

     – “Andranik” remote site,

A Remote Control and Monitoring System (RCMS) will also be installed for all sites and centers.

The equipment provides an upgrade for the current Park Air radio stations supplied in 2007. The latest Park Air T6 radio stations provide high performance efficiency and have analogue and E1 & VoIP interfaces. They can serve as a standard for future development in case of migration to IP telecommunication networks.  

Modernization of P3D - 2020

The existing EVN P3D and GYU P3D WAM systems consist of 12 lateral stations and 2 central processing systems. As a result of replenishment, the systems will totally consist of 24 lateral stations and 2 central processing systems. The replenishment of the systems with new lateral stations will significantly improve the airspace surveillance coverage and accuracy of surveillance data at any point, as well as provide overall surveillance for general aviation thereby enhancing the level of the air traffic control safety within the RA FIR.

Change of Yerevan Control Zone (CTR) Structure - 2020

Taking into account the international requirements, the local specifications, the priority of safety and, as a result of changes, the need to increase  the efficiency of airspace usage and provide equal and relevant opportunities  for all RA airspace users,  “ARMATS” CJSC has revised the structure of the Yerevan Control Zone (CTR) and, in the conditions of various developments in flight situation, has provided additional safety capabilities through the provision of geographical separation, exclusion of  flights trajectory conflicts and improving the level of civil-military cooperation.