Performance Based ANS

Performance Based ANS

Activities Technical Support (CNS) NAV & SUR

NAV & SUR Service

The main function of the NAV & SUR service is.


  • Provision of uninterrupted radio navigation information to the aircraft during the flight, the landing and take-off within the airspace of the Republic of Armenia.
  • Provision of surveillance information to the “YEREVAN” ATC Center and Tower, ATC Backup Center.
  • Provision of uninterrupted controller-aircraft radio communication to the aircrafts which operate landing, take-off and transit flights within the airspace of the Republic of Armenia.


NAV & SUR service is equipped with necessary systems and technical aids in compliance with air traffic management technical support modern requirements:


         SUR: En-route radar “TR-11AA”, P3D multilateration systems (ADS-B), Mode S MSSR “AURORA 2”. 

In order to provide necessary surveillance information and uninterrupted controller-aircraft radio communication the transmission stations and P3D multilateration systems side stations are conventionally located in certain geographical positions.

NAV & SUR service provides technical support and maintenance service to the all systems and stations which are under its management.